

H1 heading small text

H2 heading small text

H3 heading small text

H4 heading small text

H5 heading small text
H6 heading small text

Paragraphs and text tags

This is an ADRESS tag
inside a paragraph, This is an ABBR tag, This is a b tag inside a paragraph, This is a del tag inside a paragraph, This is an em tag inside a paragraph, This is an i tag inside a paragraph, This is a ins tag inside a paragraph, This is a b tag inside a paragraph, This is a span tag (no variations) inside a paragraph, This is a strong tag: inside a paragraph, This is a sub tag: inside a paragraph, This is a sup tag: inside a paragraph, inside a paragraph, This is an u tag: inside a paragraph.

Edit this with contentEditable attribute

This is a BLOCKQUOTE tag -Si vis utiliter aliquid scire et discere: ama nesciri et pro nihilo reputari.This is a CITE tag

This is a PRE tag -Si vis utiliter aliquid scire et discere: ama nesciri et pro nihilo reputari.

Regular list

  • Element 1
  • Element 2
  • Element 3
  • Element 4

Ordered list

  1. Element 1
  2. Element 2
  3. Element 3
  4. Element 4

Regular list with links

Definition list

Definition term
Definition description

Summary and details list

Summary Rest of details.

Form elements

Default form and fieldset

Default legend

+ em

Emphatic form inputs and labels



table thead tr th table thead tr th table thead tr th table thead tr th
table tbody tr td table tbody tr td table tbody tr td table tbody tr td
table tbody tr td table tbody tr td table tbody tr td table tbody tr td
table tbody tr td table tbody tr td table tbody tr td table tbody tr td


Basic nav

List inside nav



a q
a i
a b
a small
a span

Emphatic links

em a bcn CSS logoem a img em a svg

em small a bcn CSS logo

Emphatic labels

Emphatic buttons

Semantic link states

u em a del em a ins em a

Grouped emphatic links

strong em a strong u em a strong em a strong em a strong em a

Grouped emphatic small links

strong em small a strong u em small a strong em small a strong em small a

Grouped emphatic labels

Grouped emphatic buttons





Article structure

article header h3

article header p

article div p

article footer p

Aside structure

Section structure

section header h3

section header p

section div p

section footer p



Image & Media


Picture 1


Picture 2

Figure with video

Barcelona Timelapse by Garrido