Openboard is a simple, customizable home page for your browser.
It has been developed to meet my own needs, but can be freely adapted by modifying just a few lines of code. It has some practical applications such as a plain text editor, as well as a small set of widgets (location, weather, stopwatch, timer, calculator, task list, RSS headlines, etc ...).
Openboard applications are developed with jQuery. Widgets sortable function is done using jQuery-UI.
All aspects of the design are developed in CSS, using the BarcelonaCSS library, including the four design modes that can be accessed by the lower right button (light, dark, warm and cold).
The text editor allows you to load and save text files in simple formats, such as .txt and .md. It also has a word and character counter.
The task list works with Cookies that allow the data to be stored in the browser's cache.
The widgets provided by the Coingecko and Tradingview platforms have been used for the cryptocurrency and stock quotes widgets.
Soon, I will implement the use of Cookies to obtain a persistent behavior for widgets and design modes.
The code
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<h5>Chrono</h5> <h3 id="stopwatch">00:00:00</h3> <form> <input type="button" class="timer-play" value="Play/Pause" onclick="Example1.Timer.toggle();"> <input type="button" class="timer-reset" value="Stop/Reset" onclick="Example1.resetStopwatch();"> </form> </section> <section class="widget widget-box coin-box" draggable="true"> <h5>BTC rate</h5> <script src=""></script> <coingecko-coin-price-chart-widget coin-id="bitcoin" currency="usd" width="100%" height="300" locale="en"></coingecko-coin-price-chart-widget> </section> <section class="widget widget-box coin-box" draggable="true"> <h5>Etherum rate</h5> <script src=""></script> <coingecko-coin-price-chart-widget coin-id="ethereum" currency="usd" width="100%" height="300" locale="en"></coingecko-coin-price-chart-widget> </section> <section class="widget widget-box rss-box" draggable="true"> <h5>Wired News</h5> <div id="rss-wired"></div> </section> <section class="widget widget-box todo-box" draggable="true"> <h5>To Do</h5> <div 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